Monday, April 10, 2006


5th. Grade Nature's Classroom: On, On, We Go!

What is Nature's Classroom? When Mr. Prince posed this question to Mrs. Majka, this was her response:

"Nature's Classroom is an educational experience that integrates real-life learning as well as academic learning. Students take part in daily activities that include:
1. Field group, in which they recognize and comprehend the need for balance in the real world;
2. Special Interest Classes, in which students have the responsibility of choosing what classes will meet their interests as well as require them to actively learn and set and attain their goals; and
3. Evening Activities that provide students role-playing opportunities in which they work cooperatively with a large or small group.

Nature's Classroom also provides students with an interactive, integrated learning and social experience in which children gain self-confidence, work with teachers who also become their friends, and learn the importance of being a member of a cohesive community."

Cindy, 3 years today join Dad Chris to see big brother Tyler off!
Mr. Phelps, Mr. K. and Mrs Gardner are among those helping to onload bags and baggages on to the back of a truck!
These 5th graders can't wait to go!

Hope all you 5th graders have a great and awesome time at Nature's Classroom!!
i went to natures classroom last year and it is so kewl and fun. i hope the fifth grader s this year have a great and fun time at natures classroom.
Nature's Classroom is soooo kool! I went and its a blast. Hope all the fith graders have fun!!!
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